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Who owns the post-separation value increase in the matrimonial home?

Korman v. Korman 2015 ONCA 578 is an example of the Court of Appeal correcting a trial judge’s mis-reading of evidence and his mis-interpretation of […]

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Creditor priority on the matrimonial home puts the wife ahead of a prior-registered writ of execution

Creditors, such as banks, depend upon their priority as against the assets of the debtor. All creditors should be on notice that lending to a […]

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Does it matter who’s on the title to the matrimonial home?

Spouses sometimes put the matrimonial home in the name of one or other of the spouses to try and insulate the asset from creditors. There […]

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CSIS warrants

THE EFFECT OF BILL C44(2014) AND BILL C51(2015) ON THE INTELLIGENCE LANDSCAPE   The background context In December 2007, CSIS agents applied to the federal […]

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oppression: when the buyer of shares oppresses the seller

s.248 of the Ontario Business Corporations act is an all-purpose review provision that gives Ontario superior court judges significant discretion to determine when a particular […]

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improvident sale injunction: how much marketing process evidence is necessary to get an injunction

Perell J. (in Armanasco v. Linderwood Holdings Inc. 2016 ONSC 1605) rejects an injunction request by a mortgagor against a mortgagee sale. Inevitably the mortgagor […]

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Improvident sale injunction: using the mortgagor’s choice of agent

Perell J., who wrote The Law of Civil Procedure in Ontario, has made yet another determination against enjoining a mortgagee from selling under power of […]

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Improvident sale: asking for the injunction after the mortgagee has signed an agreement of purchase and sale

In 2496582 Ontario Inc. v. Duca Financial Services, 2018 ONSC 3749 (CanLII) Corthorn J. was asked on June 5 2018, to grant an injunction, against […]

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Constructive dismissal: but the guy resigned?

Crescent(1952) v. Jones is a case where Palmer sells his company (Crescent) to Jones. Palmer agrees to continue to work for Jones during a transition […]

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improvident sale: isn’t it enough to get two appraisals and three offers?

The rules that apply when a mortgagee in possession is selling a piece of urban residential real estate, are not enough, when the property is […]

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what happens when the promissory note has excessive fees and extras?

In Dhaliwal v. Gulati, [2012] O.J. No. 641, Gurbakht wanted to buy the Quality in in Orillia, a resort town one hundred miles noth of […]

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How should the mortgagee in possession appraise partially developed land?

In mortgage sale cases court grant generous freedom to the mortgagee to be wrong about value. The mortgagee does not have to actually have to […]

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improvident sale by mortgagee in possession

What facts are important on an improvident sale motion with regard to undeveloped land? Because undeveloped land does not necessarily lend itself to ordinary real […]

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Peremptory orders and procedural dismissal of the action

Breach of a ‘peremptory’ order is not necessarily fatal. But motion judge will still dismiss proceedings on procedural grounds alone using onus of proof. Mortgagors […]

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Power of Attorney self dealing is breach of fiduciary duty

Ontario and most provinces have Substitute Decisions Acts. When 90 year old dad becomes vulnerable because of his on-again off-again grasp of reality, the Substitute […]

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Was Dad mentally incapable of cut his children out of the will?

The medical evidence tendered to support a will (that defeats one child in favour of another), usually consists of a doctor’s letter. Anyone who has […]

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Being incompetent to manage your own property does not mean you cannot marry.

After five children, George lost his first wife in 1971 and his second in 1994. Thankfully, rich, distraught, old George had 31 year old waitress […]

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I just got terminated what happens to my shares?

(Mikelsteins v. Morrison Hershfield Limited, 2019 ONCA 515) tells us that with most shareholders agreements, the shareholder is deemed to have sold his shares back […]

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does VISA clearly tell you your ANNUALIZED interest rate?

The Ontario Court of Appeal ruling in Clear Flow restored order to the credit markets. In the spirit of magnanimity, it is appropriate to give […]

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Does my “Freedom of Expression” allow me to accuse someone of criminal conduct?

If you are on twitter and you accuse someone of criminal conduct, and you do it repeatedly, and you do it even after you know […]

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summary judgment: the hardest part is ‘how much damages should be paid’?

Usually when your bookkeeper steals $350,000 from your company and you sue to recover the money, there is not much of a defence. The trend […]

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creditors have to annualize interest rates in their instruments

Solar Power Network Inc. v. ClearFlow Energy Finance Corp., 2018 ONSC 7286 (CanLII) Solar Power Network Inc. v. ClearFlow Energy, 2018 ONCA 727 (CanLII) Solar […]

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Can you cut down a tree on the boundary of your property?

The law of nuisance requires that the nuisance be substantial and unreasonable before a court will give you an order. The judge made a definitional […]

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what happens when the other side will not produce documents?

The head of Walmart Canada, unthinking, called the Galea case ‘so unique it is a Harvard case study in the making’ (para 80). It is, […]

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Civil Suit Against the Police for False Arrest

When a person is falsely arrested the old rule was that they had two years from the date of arrest to sue the police. The […]

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