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Family Law

Ultra Vires: As to the ‘return’ words in s.40(3) of the Children’s Law Reform Act: where have we see these words before?

Is s.40(3) CLRA ultra vires the province? On the face of the section, the words direct that the court can order a party to return […]

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What do you do when your deceased spouse gives the estate to someone else?

In Trezzi v. Trezi [2019] O.J. No.6308, the deceased Peter, who owed a construction company, throw the cat among the pigeons in death, by deciding […]

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An example of a best-interests analysis resulting in sole custody to the mother.

In T.L. v. D.S. [2019] OJ. No.5691, Sherr J. granted sole custody to the mother for reasons that sole custody has often been granted: that […]

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Galiedan v. Rawdah (Ontario superior court ‘returning’ a Canadian citizen child to Dubai)

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Hague Convention on Civil Aspects of Child Abduction

In the case of Thomson v. Thomson [1994] 3 SCR 551, 17 year old Amanda Thomson married Paul in 1991 and has a child in […]

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Does it matter who’s on the title to the matrimonial home?

Spouses sometimes put the matrimonial home in the name of one or other of the spouses to try and insulate the asset from creditors. There […]

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