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Davis (Re), [1894] O.J. No. 177

Davis (Re), [1894] O.J. No. 177 Ontario Judgments   Ontario High Court of Justice Common Pleas Division Street J. May 18, 1894.   [1894] O.J. […]

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Affirmative Action: Some empirical results from U.S. policing

  When Dickson first justified affirmative action in Canadian law C.N.R. v. Canada (Human Rights Commission), [1987] 1 S.C.R. 1114, as is typical of Dickson, […]

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An example of abuse of process in using the Rules of Civil Procedure too aggressively

Bronson Consulting Inc. v. Canada (Attorney General), [2019] O.J. No. 6142 Bronson Consulting lost a $200M Visa call center tender contract. Bronson set out to […]

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Hague Convention on Civil Aspects of Child Abduction

In the case of Thomson v. Thomson [1994] 3 SCR 551, 17 year old Amanda Thomson married Paul in 1991 and has a child in […]

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When is a sidewalk slab in a state of ‘non-repair’?

Lofchik J. in Grayling v Haldimand (County) [2014] O.J. No 239 summarizes that the 3/4 of an inch rule is the starting point for the […]

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Creditor priority on the matrimonial home puts the wife ahead of a prior-registered writ of execution

Creditors, such as banks, depend upon their priority as against the assets of the debtor. All creditors should be on notice that lending to a […]

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Constructive dismissal: but the guy resigned?

Crescent(1952) v. Jones is a case where Palmer sells his company (Crescent) to Jones. Palmer agrees to continue to work for Jones during a transition […]

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Peremptory orders and procedural dismissal of the action

Breach of a ‘peremptory’ order is not necessarily fatal. But motion judge will still dismiss proceedings on procedural grounds alone using onus of proof. Mortgagors […]

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